Monday, June 2, 2014

How to Reflection

1) You were required to create a structure/layoutoriginal title/type, and a visual sequence for your "How To" Poster.  Select ONE component you feel your poster is strongest in. Explain why you feel your poster is particularly strong in that category describing at least ONE specific part of your poster.
One component of my poster that I felt is the strongest in is the font of my title. I felt like my font was the strongest because it was unique from everyone else's. Also I spent a long time making sure each letter was exactly the same distances apart and the size was the same too. I spent time making sure each letter followed the slanted curvy design I started with. 
2) What is ONE thing you would do differently if you had the chance to start this project over from the beginning? Explain what you do differently and how that would strengthen your poster.
One thing I would do differently if I had the chance to start this project over was to redo the circles that hold the steps I have. The reason I want to do it differently is because the circles were suppose to represent potato slices that are about to go inside the wok. On my poster they don't look like potato slices, so if my potato slices actually look like potato slices I feel like it would really tie my poster together and make it more cohesive.